california tax appeal calendar

stay informed and prepared with our comprehensive guide to property tax appeal deadlines.


Below is a detailed table listing the county-specific deadlines for application fees and the end of filing periods across California. This comprehensive view allows you to find and act on the relevant dates for your property’s location:

County Application Fee End of Filing Period
September 15
September 15
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
September 15
November 30
September 15
$35 / $100
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
September 15
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
September 15
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
September 15
November 30
September 15
November 30
November 30
September 15
November 30
November 30
September 15
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
November 30
September 15
November 30
November 30

To fully understand how to leverage this calendar effectively, it is crucial to have a solid grasp of the property tax appeal process. A Complete Guide to Property Tax Appeals outlines the necessary steps, from preparing your documentation to what happens after you file, helping you prepare adequately and improve your chances of a successful appeal.

preparation tips for filing a property tax appeal

Understand Your Assessment

Review Your Assessment Notice: Carefully examine the assessment notice sent by your local tax assessor. Understand the basis of the assessed value, looking for any inaccuracies in property details like square footage or property classification.

Gather Comparative Property Values

Research Comparable Sales: Collect information on recent sales of similar properties in your area. This data can provide a benchmark if your property is assessed higher than comparable properties.

Check Property Records: Ensure all records reflect the current state of your property. Discrepancies in records can sometimes lead to incorrect assessments.

Document Property Conditions

Photograph Your Property: Take current photos of your property to document conditions that might affect its value, such as needed repairs or unique aspects that might not have been considered.

List Improvements and Issues: Make a detailed list of any improvements or issues with your property since the last assessment. This can include renovations, damages, or changes in property use.

Analyze Tax Bills and Records

Examine Previous Tax Bills: Review your previous years’ tax bills to track assessment changes. Note any significant shifts without corresponding property changes.

Understand Tax Rate Applications: Be aware of how the local tax rates apply to your assessed value and if there have been any changes in the rate that should be contested.

Consult with Professionals

Hire a Property Tax Consultant or Lawyer: If the stakes are high, consider consulting with a professional who specializes in property tax law. They can offer strategic advice and represent you during appeals.

Seek Appraisal Services: A professional appraisal can provide a robust defense for your appeal, especially in complex cases.

Prepare Your Case

Organize Your Documents: Have all relevant documents organized and ready for submission. This includes your completed appeal form, evidence supporting your case, photos, appraisals, and correspondences.

Write a Clear Argument: Prepare a concise, fact-based argument that clearly outlines why your assessment should be adjusted. Cite specific data and examples.

Know the Process

Understand Local Procedures: Each locality has specific procedures for filing and processing appeals. Familiarize yourself with these to ensure compliance with all procedural requirements.

Set Reminders for Deadlines

Keep Track of Deadlines: Set reminders for all important dates related to your appeal, including submission deadlines, hearing dates, and any required meetings or document submissions.

By following these preparation tips, property owners can approach their tax appeals with confidence, armed with evidence and a well-organized case. These steps not only increase the likelihood of a successful appeal but also help manage the often stressful process more smoothly.

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